StorONE Testimonials
Check Out Our Latest Testimonials
“They were with us every step of the way, and as a result, we can point our customers to a high-performance, cost-effective solution that works extremely well with our software”
CEO, SQream
“Storage has always been a challenge for us – the volume and types of media files we work with make it imperative for us to respond quickly to the business’ needs. I just need it to work, and StorONE makes storage simple. I continue to be amazed that this one solution can support many use cases without switching storage hardware.”
Director of IT, America's Test Kitchen
“Instead of implementing multiple storage systems from multiple vendors in order to satisfy our needs, we were able to get a single solution that supports all media types and protocols without added complexity or management headaches.”
University of Limerick
“Our Private MultiCloud Storage (PMCS) platform removes obstacles to Cloud migration and accelerates a wide range of workflows with StorONE’s unique capabilities. Their innovative and ultra-efficient storage software combined with our ability to deploy in a variety of hardware form factors is redefining private, hybrid and MultiCloud architectures.”
CEO, Madison Cloud
“This is the best NAS solution we’ve ever tested”