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StorONE’s Q3-2020


StorONE’s mission is to make storage better through software. Every quarter StorONE updates its Storage Engine with improvements to underlying code and never before available features. Q3-2020 is no different. S1 already provides better $ per GB and $ per IOPS advantages over our competition. It the Q3-2020 release of S1 makes our industry-leading performance and data reliability capabilities even better than before.


StorONE’s Q3-2020 release of the S1 Enterprise Storage Platform demonstrates a crucial advantage of a software-defined storage solution. The Q3-2020 release extends our lead on high-performance, low latency storage media like Intel Optane and NVMe SSDs, while at the same time improving performance with highly latent storage media like hard disk drives and cloud storage. Our customers with any of these media options will experience a 15% to 20% performance improvement. Most importantly, they get to enjoy that performance increase without ANY change to the underlying hardware.


Our new vReplicate extends our S1:Replicate technology so that it provides cascading replication. Customers can synchronously replicate within a data center or campus. Then they can asynchronously replicate to a disaster recovery site, hundreds or thousands of miles away. Customers can also cross replicate between data centers so each data center can be a backup for the other. Replication is “any-to-any.” Primary systems can be an All-Flash, traditional All-Flash Array, or a Hybrid Array, and can the replication target can be an inexpensive hard disk only S1 system.

StorONE has also enhanced its snapshot technology S1:Snap, which allows customers to execute snapshots every three minutes and retain those snapshots indefinitely. New to this release is full support for Virtual Shadow Copy Service (VSS) in virtualized and bare metal states. Now customers can enjoy unlimited, application-consistent snapshots and retain those snapshots for as long as they need.


At StorONE, our customer’s data is even more critical than our passion for performance. Continuing to safeguard your information is Job 1 at StorONE. In the Q3-2020 release, we’ve added two new capabilities to the StorONE Data Protection Suite; vRack and vReplicate.


StorONE is more than a storage system. It is a storage platform, consolidating many storage silos into a single cohesive solution. Our Q3-2020 release continues to strengthen the platform’s foundations by providing support for NVMe-oF and improving NAS functionality.


Our Q3 release advances StorONE’s vRAID, a high-performance version of erasure coding, by improving RAID rebuild parallelism even further. The S1 Platform now delivers the fastest rebuild times in the industry. vRAID can rebuild flash-based volumes in three minutes. Even hard disk drive-based volumes with 16TB drives can return to a protected state within four or five hours of failure. Customers indicate that high capacity hard drive RAID groups take days, even weeks to rebuild. The speed of vRAID rebuilds reduces the need for higher drive redundancy settings, saving customers money in addition to time.

vRACK extends our groundbreaking vRAID technology to deliver protection from data center rack or row failure. Applications can continue to access data even if the rack containing the S1 storage controllers fail. Customers can set fault tolerance levels on drive expansion shelves, in the same way, they set drive failure tolerance levels. The customer can then place alternating drive expansion shelves and one of the StorONE controllers in another rack or row. Customers can configure the system, so there is no additional capacity overhead for the improved redundancy levels.


Includes support for the new TCP based NVMe-oF and ROCE. Now customers can scale connect hosts via NVMe-oF. An important capability is StorONE’s ability to act as the bridge to this next generation of protocol while simultaneously supporting legacy iSCSI and FC connections. Customers can gradually transition to NVMe-oF as their needs demand, all within the same storage platform.


Unstructured data use cases continue to accelerate, and the Q3-2020 release strengthens our file support capabilities. Our Network Attached Storage (NAS) service now provides quotas and NIS/LDAP support.


Finally, the Q3-2020 release continues our commitment to enhancing customer operations. The new release enables customers to download statistics previously available exclusively in the GUI. Customers can now use an analytics tool of their choice to gain insight into platform operations. The new release provides better serviceability with more event alerts.

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