StorONE Blog

What is TRUprice?

Today, we announce StorONE TRUprice and have put the rest of the storage industry on notice. Storage is far too complicated and far too expensive. With TRUprice, StorONE is the first storage vendor to publicly publish the price for a complete turnkey enterprise storage system. You don’t have to fill out a form or wait for a callback. At last, enterprise storage pricing is transparent for all to see!

What is The TRUprice Website?

The TRUprice page on our website will guide you through creating your enterprise storage system. We’ve made it so simple that within four clicks you can configure a complete solution. At the same time, we’ve stayed true to our software roots. Instead of forcing you to buy a server we select, we give you the option of choosing the brand that fits your organization best. Of course, there is a software-only option for the do-it-yourself crowd.

Why TRUprice?

We found that the total (software and hardware) 3-year cost of a solution using our S1 Enterprise Storage Platform is 60% less than the total cost of our competitors’ solutions. The challenge we faced was that our potential customers had trouble verifying our claims as they sorted through the various hardware options. The TRUprice site makes verification easy; select your server, select your storage use case and select your capacity. We then calculate your price in real-time.

Another reason we’ve launched the TRUprice site is it is 2020! The time for playing games with customers is over. Large public cloud providers have published the cost of their storage for several years. It is time for enterprise storage vendors to do the same. With TRUprice you can compare what you are paying for storage with our pricing, and with full transparency.

TRUprice Requires Efficiency

As you go through the TRUprice configuration tool, you’ll notice that StorONE can provide turnkey solutions at dramatically lower pricing than you’d expect. You will also see the components we are using are all name brand; HPE, Dell, SuperMicro, Seagate, Western Digital.

How do we do this? The difference is we don’t need the most powerful servers with dozens of cores and with hundreds of GBs of RAM. We’ve designed our software to provide maximum performance using minimal hardware resources. Price cuts are temporary; efficiency provides long-lasting cost savings

TRUprice Delivers Data Integrity

The best price and best performance in a storage system are useless if data integrity and protection don’t back it. The S1 Enterprise Storage Platform not only delivers the best $ per IOPS in the industry but also provides the best data protection features. All of our systems have an HA option.

Each system configured via TRUprice also features DirectWrite, our cacheless architecture that eliminates the risk of a write-cache while maintaining high-performance. It also includes our vRAID technology that, for the first time, delivers high-performance erasure coding to enterprise storage systems. Our S1:Snap capability enables organizations to leverage snapshots to eliminate dependence on daily backups by providing limitless snapshots and indefinite retention. Finally, our S1:Replicate feature provides any-to-any asynchronous replication that not only enables disaster recovery but makes it affordable.

TRUprice Delivers Multi-Level Cost Savings

The most apparent impact of TRUprice is how much money you can save upfront. TRUprice, however, saves you money in additional ways. Our solutions are future proof. For example, if you need more performance, add more flash drives. We deliver 85% of the raw performance of those drives without requiring a processor upgrade. That means you have to buy fewer drives to meet the performance demand. With our vRAID technology, you can utilize the full capacity of those drives and mix drive sizes within the same volume.

The S1 Enterprise Storage Platform also reduces the cost of your backup infrastructure. With our HA, DirectWrite, vRAID, and S1:Snap, we can dramatically lower the year over year investment in backups. S1 also reduces disaster recovery costs. Most storage vendors require that you have an exact duplicate of your primary storage system at your DR site. StorONE S1 can replicate from anything to anything, which means you can have an all-flash array at your primary data center and a hard disk system at your DR site, dramatically lowering the cost of DR.


TRUprice changes everything. For the first time, IT professionals know they are getting a great price upfront. No more haggling back and forth and still wondering if you are paying a fair price. TRUprice is powered by our efficient software, S1, which enables us to deliver high performance and capacity on less hardware. Finally, S1 maintains the highest data integrity and data protection levels, so you know that while you are saving money, you are also keeping your company’s critical digital assets safe.

To learn more, join George Crump, our CMO, and me for our upcoming webinar, “Learn the TRUth about Storage Pricing and Efficiency.”

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