StorONE Webinars

How to Create a 360° Ransomware Recovery Plan

What to Expect: 

3-2-1 means nothing without a comprehensive plan. Losing all or some of your data from a ransomware attack can destroy a business. And even worse, according to Cybereason, over 80% of businesses who are attacked and pay the ransom get attacked again within 30 days. You need to make sure your primary data and backup data is protected and you have a recovery strategy in place. This webinar will talk about the multifaceted requirement for a ransomware protection system and plan that will make sure your data is safe, and can be restored quickly – without paying the ransom. In this webinar, we will answer questions such as:

  •  Why is a 3-2-1 approach alone not enough?
  • How should I craft a plan that can fit into the broader picture?
  • What are the guiding principles of a data protection plan?
  • Why would a complicated backup scheme make recovery more complicated?

 PresentersJames Keating, StorONE Solutions Architect and Ted Oade, Seagate Director, Product

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